LevelOne GTL-2880 Manual - Page 120

Local Port, Tx Tw, Rx Tw, Fallback Receive Tw, Echo Tx Tw, Echo Rx Tw

Page 120 highlights

3-8.5 EEE By using EEE power savings can be achieved at the expense of traffic latency. This latency occurs due to that the circuits EEE turn off to save power, need time to boot up before sending traffic over the link. This time is called "wakeup time". To achieve minimal latency, devices can use LLDP to exchange information about their respective tx and rx "wakeup time ", as a way to agree upon the minimum wakeup time they need. This page provides an overview of EEE information exchanged by LLDP. Web Interface To show LLDP EEE neighbors: 1. Click LLDP, than click EEE to show discover EEE devices 2. Click Refresh for manual update web screen 3. Click Auto-refresh for auto-update web screen Figure 3-8.5: The LLDP Neighbors EEE information NOTE: If your network without any devices which enables EEE function then the table will show "No LLDP EEE information found". Parameter description:  Local Port : The port on which LLDP frames are received or transmitted.  Tx Tw : The link partner's maximum time that transmit path can hold off sending data after reassertion of LPI.  Rx Tw : The link partner's time that receiver would like the transmitter to holdoff to allow time for the receiver to wake from sleep.  Fallback Receive Tw : The link partner's fallback receive Tw. A receiving link partner may inform the transmitter of an alternate desired Tw_sys_tx. Since a receiving link partner is likely to have discrete levels for savings, this provides the transmitter with additional information that it may use for a more efficient allocation. Systems that do not implement this option default the value to be the same as that of the Receive Tw_sys_tx.  Echo Tx Tw : The link partner's Echo Tx Tw value. The respective echo values shall be defined as the local link partners reflection (echo) of the remote link partners respective values. When a local link partner receives its echoed values from the remote link partner it can determine whether or not the remote link partner has received, registered and processed its most recent values. For example, if the local link partner receives echoed parameters that do not match the values in its local MIB, then the local link partner infers that the remote link partners request was based on stale information.  Echo Rx Tw : The link partner's Echo Rx Tw value. 112

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3-8.5 EEE
By using EEE power savings can be achieved at the expense of traffic latency. This latency
occurs due to that the circuits EEE turn off to save power, need time to boot up before sending
traffic over the link. This time is called "wakeup time". To achieve minimal latency, devices can
use LLDP to exchange information about their respective tx and rx "wakeup time ", as a way to
agree upon the minimum wakeup time they need.
This page provides an overview of EEE information exchanged by LLDP.
Web Interface
To show LLDP EEE neighbors:
1. Click LLDP, than click EEE to show discover EEE devices
2. Click Refresh for manual update web screen
3. Click Auto-refresh for auto-update web screen
Figure 3-8.5:
The LLDP Neighbors EEE information
If your network without any devices which enables
EEE function then the table will show
information found
Parameter description:
Local Port :
The port on which LLDP frames are received or transmitted.
Tx Tw :
The link partner’s maximum time that transmit path can hold off sending data after
reassertion of LPI.
Rx Tw :
The link partner’s time that receiver would like the transmitter to holdoff to allow time for the
receiver to wake from sleep.
Fallback Receive Tw :
The link partner’s fallback receive Tw.
A receiving link partner may inform the transmitter of an alternate desired Tw_sys_tx. Since
a receiving link partner is likely to have discrete levels for savings, this provides the
transmitter with additional information that it may use for a more efficient allocation. Systems
that do not implement this option default the value to be the same as that of the Receive
Echo Tx Tw :
The link partner's Echo Tx Tw value.
The respective echo values shall be defined as the local link partners reflection (echo) of the
remote link partners respective values. When a local link partner receives its echoed values
from the remote link partner it can determine whether or not the remote link partner has
received, registered and processed its most recent values. For example, if the local link
partner receives echoed parameters that do not match the values in its local MIB, then the
local link partner infers that the remote link partners request was based on stale information.
Echo Rx Tw :
The link partner's Echo Rx Tw value.