Panasonic DMC-FX55P Digital Still Camera - Page 40

Taking Pictures using Auto Bracket

Page 40 highlights

Advanced (Recording pictures) 1 Move 3 [ ] until [EXPOSURE] appears, compensate the exposure with 2/1. Taking Pictures using Auto Bracket • You can compensate from [j2 EV] to [i2 EV] in steps of [1/3 EV]. • Select [0 EV] to return to the original exposure. 2 Press [MENU/SET] to finish. • You can also press the shutter button halfway to finish. In this mode, 3 pictures are automatically recorded in the selected exposure compensation range each time the shutter button is pressed. You can select the picture with the desired exposure from the 3 pictures with different exposures. 1 Move 3 [ ] several times until [AUTO BRACKET] appears, set the compensation range of the exposure with 2/1. • EV is an abbreviation of [Exposure Value]. It refers to the amount of light given to the CCD by the aperture value and the shutter speed. • The exposure compensation value appears on the lower left of the screen. • The set exposure value is memorized even if the camera is turned off. • The compensation range of the exposure will be limited depending on the brightness of the subject. • You cannot use the following functions. - [STARRY SKY] • You can select [OFF] (0), [d1/3 EV], [d2/3 EV] or [d1 EV]. • When you do not use auto bracket, select [OFF] (0). 2 Press [MENU/SET] to finish. • You can also press the shutter button halfway to finish. • When setting auto bracket, the auto bracket icon [ ] appears on the lower left of the screen. • When taking pictures using auto bracket after setting the exposure compensation range, the pictures taken are based on the selected exposure compensation range. When the exposure is compensated, the exposure compensation value appears on the lower left of the screen. • The auto bracket setting is canceled if you turn the camera off or power save mode is activated. 40 VQT1J59

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Advanced (Recording pictures)
] until [EXPOSURE]
appears, compensate the
exposure with
• You can compensate from [
2 EV] to
2 EV] in steps of [1/3 EV].
• Select [0 EV] to return to the original
Press [MENU/SET] to finish.
You can also press the shutter
button halfway to finish.
• EV is an abbreviation of [Exposure Value].
It refers to the amount of light given to the
CCD by the aperture value and the shutter
• The exposure compensation value
appears on the lower left of the screen.
• The set exposure value is memorized
even if the camera is turned off.
• The compensation range of the exposure
will be limited depending on the
brightness of the subject.
•You cannot use the following functions.
Taking Pictures using
Auto Bracket
In this mode, 3 pictures are automatically
recorded in the selected exposure
compensation range each time the shutter
button is pressed. You can select the
picture with the desired exposure from the
3 pictures with different exposures.
] several times until
[AUTO BRACKET] appears, set
the compensation range of the
exposure with
• You can select [OFF] (0), [
1/3 EV],
2/3 EV] or [
1 EV].
• When you do not use auto bracket,
select [OFF] (0).
Press [MENU/SET] to finish.
You can also press the shutter
button halfway to finish.
• When setting auto bracket, the auto
bracket icon [
] appears on the lower
left of the screen.
• When taking pictures using auto bracket
after setting the exposure compensation
range, the pictures taken are based on the
selected exposure compensation range.
When the exposure is compensated, the
exposure compensation value appears on
the lower left of the screen.
• The auto bracket setting is canceled if you
turn the camera off or power save mode is