Oki MB491LP Print Job Accounting Users Manual - Page 134

Adding IC card information to the IC card compatibility table

Page 134 highlights

6. Syncing with Active Directory User Information ❻ Click [OK] in the [Export Users] window. Adding IC card information to the IC card compatibility table The following methods can be used to add IC card information (card ID) to the IC card compatibility table. • Obtain from the Active Directory  The IC card information obtained when a user is added to the Active Directory can be added to the IC card compatibility table. For details on obtaining IC card information from the Active Directory, see "Specifying attributes for obtaining IC card information" (page 111). 6 • Using the Card Enroll Tool ❼ When a window inquiring whether or not  When using the Card Enroll Tool, the IC card to send the IC card compatibility table reader attached to the computer in which the to the printer is displayed, click [Yes] to server software is installed is used to read send the table, or [No] not to send the data from an IC card, which is then added to table. When [Create card table] is checked, the IC card compatibility table is updated the IC card compatibility table. The IC card ID can also be added manually. Follow the steps below to use the Card Enroll Tool. when Active Directory users are added, deleted, or when settings are changed. ❶ Install the Card Enroll Tool on the same computer in which the server software is installed. ❷ To enter the IC card ID manually, proceed to step ❸. To enter the IC card ID from the IC card, attach an IC card reader to the computer in which the server software is installed. ❸ Start the server software. ❹ Click [Policy] menu > [User Registration on Active Directory]. - 134 -

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6. Syncing with Active Directory User Information
Click [OK] in the [Export Users] window.
When a window inquiring whether or not
to send the IC card compatibility table
to the printer is displayed, click [Yes] to
send the table, or [No] not to send the
When [Create card table] is checked, the
IC card compatibility table is updated
when Active Directory users are added,
deleted, or when settings are changed.
Adding IC card information
to the IC card compatibility
The following methods can be used to add
IC card information (card ID) to the IC
card compatibility table.
• Obtain from the Active Directory
The IC card information obtained when a user
is added to the Active Directory can be added
to the IC card compatibility table. For details
on obtaining IC card information from the
Active Directory, see "Specifying attributes for
obtaining IC card information" (
page 111
• Using the Card Enroll Tool
When using the Card Enroll Tool, the IC card
reader attached to the computer in which the
server software is installed is used to read
data from an IC card, which is then added to
the IC card compatibility table. The IC card ID
can also be added manually. Follow the steps
below to use the Card Enroll Tool.
Install the Card Enroll Tool on the same
computer in which the server software is
To enter the IC card ID manually, proceed
to step
. To enter the IC card ID from
the IC card, attach an IC card reader
to the computer in which the server
software is installed.
Start the server software.
Click [Policy] menu > [User Registration
on Active Directory].