Fluke 2638A/05 User Manual - Page 126

the TRIGger:AUTO:POINts, TRIGger:AUTO:TOLerance

Page 126 highlights

2638A Users Manual Error Code Error 431 Error 432 Error 433 Error 434 Error 435 Error 436 Error 439 Error 440 Error 441 Error 501 Table 7-1. Error Messages (cont.) Error Message Causes and Solutions Invalid setpoint Cause: Setpoint that is specified in the command is not in range 1 to 20. This could be because of a wrong setpoint in the TRIGger:AUTO:POINts, TRIGger:AUTO:SPOint, TRIGger:AUTO:TOLerance, TRIGger:AUTO:STABility, TRIGger:AUTO:DWELl commands Solution: Check the parameter value and try again. Input module not installed Cause: The Input Module is not installed. Solution: Install the Input Module and try again. Recording is automatic Cause: Recorder is set to OFF while automatic recording is in progress. Solution: Stop the scan or use the ABORt command. Cannot record while idle Cause: Recorder is started, but a scan has not been started yet. Solution: Use command INITiate to start scan. Only fixed CJC allowed on channel Cause: Ch001 is being configured to thermocouple with internal or external CJC, that is not supported on this channel. Solution: Set up the input on a different channel. Unavailable operation Cause: The operation is not supported on specified channel. Solution: Check the parameter value and try again. DIO currently committed to scan Cause: DIO cannot be used as output while it is included in scan list. Solution: Use command *RST to reset to factory default, or set the DIO channel to OFF. Not able to achieve requested resolution Cannot monitor math channel Cause: The Instrument cannot achieve the requested measurement resolution. Invalid resolution in the CONFigure or MEASure? Command could have been set. Solution: Check the parameter value and try again. Cause: The user tried to monitor a math channel. Math channels cannot be monitored. Solution: See the math channel data in the scan data screen. Invalid keyword or choice Cause: Invalid keyword is found in the command. Solution: Check the parameter value and try again. 7-12

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Users Manual
Table 7-1. Error Messages (cont.)
Error Code
Error Message
Causes and Solutions
Error 431
Invalid setpoint
Setpoint that is specified in the command is not in
range 1 to 20. This could be because of a wrong setpoint in
TRIGger:AUTO:TOLerance, TRIGger:AUTO:STABility,
TRIGger:AUTO:DWELl commands
Check the parameter value and try again.
Error 432
Input module not
The Input Module is not installed.
Install the Input Module and try again.
Error 433
Recording is
Recorder is set to OFF while automatic recording is in
Stop the scan or use the ABORt command.
Error 434
Cannot record while
Recorder is started, but a scan has not been started
Use command INITiate to start scan.
Error 435
Only fixed CJC
allowed on channel
Ch001 is being configured to thermocouple with
internal or external CJC, that is not supported on this channel.
Set up the input on a different channel.
Error 436
The operation is not supported on specified channel.
Check the parameter value and try again.
Error 439
DIO currently
committed to scan
DIO cannot be used as output while it is included in
scan list.
Use command *RST to reset to factory default, or
set the DIO channel to OFF.
Error 440
Not able to achieve
requested resolution
The Instrument cannot achieve the requested
measurement resolution. Invalid resolution in the CONFigure
or MEASure? Command could have been set.
Check the parameter value and try again.
Error 441
Cannot monitor math
The user tried to monitor a math channel. Math
channels cannot be monitored.
See the math channel data in the scan data screen.
Error 501
Invalid keyword or
Invalid keyword is found in the command.
Check the parameter value and try again.